准备首先,你得确保自己域名的流量已代理到 Cloudflare。Changing your domain nameservers to CloudflareUnderstand how to update nameservers at your domain registrar to successfully activate Cloudflare. This article formerly appeared under the title Step 3: Change your domain nameservers to Cloudflare. To route web traffic through the Cloudflare network, update the nameservers at your domain registrar to resolve your domain's DNS with Cloudflare's nameservers.https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/205195708-Changing-your-domain-nameservers-to-Cloudflare
给 notion.afuture.me 添加 DNS 记录打开 Cloudflare 的「DNS」编辑页面,添加一条记录。如下图:注意,其中的 IPv4 地址部分,虽然你可以改成任意 DNS 的 IP,或者是你自己的服务器,但是当你的 IP 为国内 IP 时,有概率会因为备案问题而 404。