
notion image
notion image
import os import time import re from lxml import etree import requests from selenium import webdriver # 定义函数get_video_ids(author_url),返回UP主全部短视频的ID的列表 # 参数author_url:抖音UP主的主页 # 例如,XXX的主页 https://www.douyin.com/user/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx def get_video_ids(author_url): ids = list() count = 0 retry = 0 n = 0 flag = True chrome_option = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_option.add_argument('headless') # 静默模式 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_option) driver.get(author_url) while flag and retry <= 15: driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,2000)") # scrollBy(x, y),JavaScript中操作内容滚动指定的像素数 n = n + 1 time.sleep(2) html_source = driver.page_source items = etree.HTML(html_source).xpath("//li[@class='ECMy_Zdt']") count_items = len(items) print("操作页面内容滚动{0:0>3}次后,获取视频ID{1:0>4}个。".format(n, count_items)) if count_items != count: count = count_items else: if retry < 15: retry = retry + 1 else: flag = False print("已经达到可获取视频ID的最大数量,开始逐个获取视频ID:\n") for item in items: video_id = item.xpath("a/@href")[0].split("/")[-1] print("获取短视频ID:{}".format(video_id)) ids.append(video_id) return ids # 定义函数get_video_info(video_id),返回元组(短视频下载地址,短视频标题) # 参数video_id:抖音短视频唯一ID def get_video_info(video_id): # 通过url0获取json数据(Chrome浏览器,F12进入开发者模式,模拟手机端,可以看到url0) url0 = "https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/iteminfo/?item_ids=" + video_id r_url0 = requests.get(url0, headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}) # 获取json数据中的视频地址及视频标题 url1 = r_url0.json()["item_list"][0]['video']["play_addr"]["url_list"][0] # 防止出现空标题,加上短视频ID title = video_id + "-" + r_url0.json()["item_list"][0]['share_info']["share_title"].split("#")[0].split("@")[0] # 获取url1重定向后的真实视频地址 r_url1 = requests.get(url1, headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, allow_redirects=False) url = r_url1.headers['Location'] return url, title # 定义函数get_file_name(string),从字符串中提取合法文件名 def get_file_name(string): pattern = re.compile(r'[?*/\\|.:><]') txt = re.sub(pattern, '', string) return txt # 定义函数download_video(save_path, url, title),下载并以短视频标题作为文件名保存短视频到指定路径 def download_video(save_path, url, title): if os.path.exists(save_path): pass else: os.makedirs(save_path) with requests.get(url, headers={"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}, stream=True) as r: total_size = int(int(r.headers["Content-Length"]) / 1024 + 0.5) file_name = get_file_name(title) full_path = save_path + get_file_name(title) + ".mp4" with open(file=full_path, mode="wb") as f: print('当前下载:【{}】,视频文件大小:【{}KB】'.format(file_name, total_size)) count = 0 scale = 50 start = time.perf_counter() for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): f.write(chunk) count = count + 1 i = int(scale*(count/total_size)) a = "=" * i b = "." * (scale - i) c = (i / scale) * 100 dur = time.perf_counter() - start speed = count/dur print("\r下载进度:{0:^3.0f}%[{1:}>{2:}] 耗时:{3:.2f}s 平均下载速度:{4:.2f}KB/S。".format(c, a, b, dur, speed), end="") print("\n视频文件下载完毕,存放于:【{0:}】。".format(full_path)) # 定义主程序 def main(): # 获取UP主全部短视频的ID url = input("请输入抖音UP主的主页:") print("\n获取UP主全部短视频的ID...") ids = get_video_ids(url) print("获取完毕!共获取短视频ID{}个!".format(len(ids))) # 根据短视频ID,批量获取下载地址、短视频标题 print("\n根据短视频的ID获取短视频的下载地址、标题信息...") videos_info = list() for video_id in ids: video_info = get_video_info(video_id) videos_info.append(video_info) print("短视频标题:【{0:}】;下载地址:【{1:}】".format(video_info[1], video_info[0])) # 批量下载短视频 print("\n开始批量下载短视频:") cwd = os.getcwd() path = cwd + "/videos/" total = len(videos_info) for i in range(total): print("\n将下载第【{0:0>4}/{1:0>4}】个短视频:".format(i+1, total)) print("="*50) download_video(path, videos_info[i][0], videos_info[i][1]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
