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Get latest CVE EXP/POC from GitHub in WeChat!


  • The Program runs with Github Actions, no need to use your own server


    • preparations
    • GitHub
      • After that, a repo with the same name will show up in your account. Follow the steps below in your repository
        • fork my repo Sign up or log into your GitHub account and click the "fork" button on the page
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        • Create a new GitHub Personal Access Token 1)Go to the New Token Page 2)Set note to GH_TOKEN , select "repo",set expiration to no expiration,click Generate token ,and remember to COPY AND SAVE your token
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        • Create a new repository secret 1)Go to Setting -> Secrets -> New repository secret,Create 6 secrets: Name them GH_TOKEN SCKEY TOTAL_COUNT OPTION TG_CHAT_ID TG_TOKEN
          2)Update the values The value of GH_TOKEN: Your GitHub Personal Access Token The value of TOTAL_COUNT: 0 * If you want to sent message to WeChat The value of SCKEY: Your SendKey * If you want to sent message to Telegram The value of TG_CHAT_ID: Your ID or the group's ID The value of TG_TOKEN: The bot's token
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    • WeChat ”Server-Chan“
    • Telegram Bot
    • Run the program
      • Go to the Action Tab,Click the green button(I understand my workflow...) in the middle
      • After refreshing the page,you'll see a workflow called CVE-Monitor,there should be a yellow exclamation mark on it
      • Select the CVE-Monitor workflow,You'll see a notice(this schedule was disabled......)
      • Press enable workflow button
      • Click star twice to start the workflow
      • Go to Action tab -> CVE-Monitor workflow -> build -> Monitor CVE You'll see the logs of each workflow run, just check if there're any errors
      • Normally, you'll receive a message now
      • Last,if the program functioned correctly, secret TOTAL_COUNT should be updated