Theme Chromate

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The Chromate theme is a new Hexo theme with support for Podcasts.
It has the following feature:
  • Simple and Lightweight: There are no redundant setting items, no references to a large number of third-party libraries, which ensures that it can be loaded and displayed as soon as possible.
  • Responsive: The theme is built on the Bulma CSS framework, which ensures that it can be displayed normally and beautifully on most devices.
  • Full Support for Podcasts: Without too much configuration, you can easily publish a Podcast (details below ).
    • notion image
  • Dark mode support: Dark mode browsing on most of browsers/operating systems.


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Take a look at the comments in the sample configuration file _config.yaml and fill in them for using Chromate.

For general Bloggers

Nothing special, just write the article as usual:
hexo new post you-post-name-here
For adding a thumbnail to your post, add this to your post file header:
thumbnail: 'Thumbnail-Image-Link'
Additionally, just DO NOT use podcast in post configuration fields!

For Podcasters

Add these fields in your post configuration area to define a Podcast type post:
podcast: subtitle: A test Podcast EP # Subtitle of your EP authors: ['Doge-Gui', 'Cool Guy'] # Authors cover: # Cover image will shown in web-audio-player duration: 64 # Continuous time media: url: # Media link size: 1020453 # Media size in byte type: audio/mpeg # Media type chapters: # Chapters info for auto generating timeline. [Optional] - ['First Chapter', 13] - ['Second Chapter', 30] - ['Third Chapter', 45] - ['Forth Chapter', 60] references: # References info for auto generating references. [Optional] - ['Post Thumbnail', ''] - ['Podcast Cover', ''] - ['Back To The Woods', '']
Please DO NOT modify these fields name.
Then you can get:
    1. Different homepage guide buttons
      For common types of post, you can see the Continue Reading guide button on the homepage; for a Podcast, Listen Now will be displayed.
    1. Automatically generated audio player
      For Podcast post, you only need to fill in the Meta meta information according to the format, and a player will be automatically generated in the article (Special thanks to Shikwasa!).
      If you completed chapters field, the audio player will also shown with Chapters List :)
    1. Rendering of meta-information inner article
      After you fill in the Meta information, you can use the following tags to call the automatically rendered author information, citation information, and timeline:
        • Timeline
          {% timeline %}
        • References
          {% references %}
        • Authors
          {% authors %}
    1. Automatically generated RSS subscription
      We know that RSS is important for podcasts, but configuring them manually is a boring thing, so in Chromate, you only need to fill in the configuration file, and the RSS subscription will be automatically generated.
      Important: If you want to open support for auto generating rss with podcasts, please install a plugin manually under your Hexo project folder:
      npm install podcast --save