Notion Charts

Notion Charts is a simple tool to create beautiful charts for
notion image


For private Notion pages

You'll need to host your own version of this repository. The best way to do that is by clicking this button below, it will automatically host this API on which is 100% free.
Then when the hosting is completed simply follow documentation instructions below and enjoy
notion image
Don't forget to use your URL instead of
notion image
If you want to stay up to date I recommend you to use a Deploy Hook.


1. The aggregator

It's used to group your database by it's values.
For example if you have a database which contains peoples (name, age, height, weight).
By setting your aggregator to the age column all these people will be grouped by their ages. So if the second Notion Chart "column" is the height with the avg action, you will plot the average height by ages of your dataset.

2. Actions

Right now there is 4 actions possible:
  • value => Simply return the value of the cell.
  • count => Will count how many items are in the aggregated set.
  • sum => Return sum of all values in the aggregated set. (only works with numbers)
  • avg => Return average of all values in the aggregated set. (only works with numbers)


Todo-list pie chart


Type repartition of non-evolving Pokémons


Specs by type of non-evolving Pokémons


Pokedex normal types candle-stick chart


Split notion url <collection> = fa9b093633c0479f886fdb857f57f9b0 <view> = c94a0043c3df410cb461e7698cee6aff

Image charts

[GET] => /image-chart/<collection>/<view>?s=SCHEMA&t=CHART_TYPE

Query parameters

[REQUIRED] t => line | bar | radar | doughnut | pie | polarArea | bubble | scatter
[REQUIRED] s => [[ColumnName:ColumnIndex:action], ...]
  • ColumnName => Display name of the selected Notion column.
  • ColumnIndex => Notion Index of the selected column.
  • action => Action to perform on the column data. (See Actions)

Interactives charts

[GET] => /schema-chart/<collection>/<view>?s=SCHEMA&t=CHART_TYPE&dark

Query parameters

[REQUIRED] t => line | bar | radar | doughnut | pie | polarArea | bubble | scatter
[REQUIRED] s => [[ColumnName:ColumnIndex:action], ...]
  • ColumnName => Display name of the selected Notion column.
  • ColumnIndex => Notion Index of the selected column.
  • action => Action to perform on the column data. (See Actions)
[OPTIONAL] dark => If set in url, a Notion dark theme is applied.

Open for contributions

Please feel free to contribute to this project!