使用 Markdown 创建简单网页的快速方法

使用 Markdown 创建简单网页的快速方法

I created StuffPages as a quick way to publish simple web pages on my web server. Basically, it takes Markdown files from a specified directory, turns them into CSS-styeld HTML files, and saves the output in another specified directory.
Have a look at some examples!
    1. Make sure Python 3 (>=3.6) is installed
    1. Install pipx
      python3 -m pip install --user pipx python3 -m pipx ensurepath
    1. Install StuffPages
      pipx install stuffpages
    1. Initialize StuffPages within the directory that contains the Markdown files:
      cd /path/to/directory/ stuffpages init
    1. Adapt /path/to/directory/_stuffpages/ according to your settings:
      • include_dirs is a list of (sub)directories (within the input directory) to include
      • output_dir is the name of the directory that will contain the converted HTML files
      • defaults are the values to be used when nothing is set in the metadata of the Markdown file:
        • title is the default title for generated pages
        • description is the default description for generated pages
        • author is the default name of the author shown on generaged pages
        • authorlink is the default target the author name links to
        • style is a URL or file path for the css style to be used
        • settings is an optional list of the following settings:
          • nonav for not creating a nav section
          • noheader for not creating a header section
          • nofooter for not creating a footer section
          • selfcontained for having a _resources directory for each page
      • html_head is a list of lines that are injected in the final HTML output between <head> and </head>
      • html_nav is a list of lines that are injected in the final HTML output between <nav> and </nav>
      • html_header is a list of lines that are injected in the final HTML output between <header> and </header>
      • html_footer is a list of lines that are injected in the final HTML output between <footer> and </footer>
      • pagelisting_format is a string describing the format for each item in pages listings ([PAGE])
      • breadcrumb_format is a string describing the format for each item in breadcrumb listings ([BREADCRUMB])
      • extras is a dictionary with additional modules to be used by the Markdown Python package
      • extras-configs is a dictionary of configurations for the additional modules
Each Markdown file, as well as the html_(head|nav|header|footer) in the config file can contain special listings markers:
  • [TOC] will be replaced by the table of contents
  • [PAGES] will be replaced by a list of pages sorted by title, prepending ! (i.e. [!PAGES]) will reverse sort, and appending a defaults/meta data variable name (e.g. Description) will sort by that defaults/meta data (e.g. [PAGES Description])
  • [BREADCRUMB] will be replaced by a breadcrumb trail of links from the current page to the parent page